Ubuntu 18.04 vs 16.04
Ubuntu 18.04 vs 16.04

Infrastructure teams work hard to optimise workloads to make sure they are performant, avoiding downtime at all cost. Watch the webinar Risks and costs associated with major upgrades Downtime Outlined below are two major risks to incorporate into a migration plan, which is unpacked in more detail in the webinar, Ubuntu 16.04 LTS moving to Extended Security Maintenance: Six considerations, with Ubuntu Server Engineering Manager, Rick Harding. When creating your plan, it is important to identify the risks and associated costs, as is recommended with any major upgrade. In the Less than 6 months to Ubuntu 16.04 ESM: 6 things to prepare blog post, I provide a guide to start thinking of your whole stack and multi or hybrid cloud infrastructure estate when answering this question – from the Linux kernel up to your open source applications, and from OpenStack to containers to the public cloud. Ubuntu 16.04 LTS Xenial Xerus is transitioning from its five-year standard security maintenance window in four months, leaving many asking the question: can I manage an Ubuntu 16.04 LTS upgrade by April 2021, or do I need more time to plan this migration?

ubuntu 18.04 vs 16.04 ubuntu 18.04 vs 16.04 ubuntu 18.04 vs 16.04

Weighing the options with an Ubuntu 16.04 upgrade

Ubuntu 18.04 vs 16.04